In 1937, during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression (1931-45), the Central Pharmaceutical Factory (the predecessor of Southwest Pharmaceutical) provided a large quantity of anesthetic drugs to hundreds of units at or above division level of the Chinese army.

1937年抗日战争全面爆发,麻经处在重庆筹建中央制药厂 (西南药业的前身),生产的麻醉药品主要供给各战区、作战部队、医院等。8年抗战期间,麻经处为抗日战争中数百个师级以上单位提供了大量麻醉药品,普通药品直接销售给卫生署领导的“战时药品经理委员会”。中央制药厂为夺取抗日战争的全面胜利作出载入史册的贡献。.jpg

Address: Sinopharm Plaza, No 20 Zhichun Road, Haidian district, Beijing

Postcode: 100191

Tel: 86-10-82287727

Fax: 86-10-62033332

Copyright ©  China National Pharmaceutical Group Co Ltd. All rights reserved. Presented by China Daily. 京公网安备 11040102700104号 京ICP备:14023670号-1
In 1937, during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression (1931-45), the Central Pharmaceutical Factory (the predecessor of Southwest Pharmaceutical) provided a large quantity of anesthetic drugs to hundreds of units at or above division level of the Chinese army.

1937年抗日战争全面爆发,麻经处在重庆筹建中央制药厂 (西南药业的前身),生产的麻醉药品主要供给各战区、作战部队、医院等。8年抗战期间,麻经处为抗日战争中数百个师级以上单位提供了大量麻醉药品,普通药品直接销售给卫生署领导的“战时药品经理委员会”。中央制药厂为夺取抗日战争的全面胜利作出载入史册的贡献。.jpg

Address: Sinopharm Plaza, No 20 Zhichun Road, Haidian district, Beijing

Postcode: 100191 Tel: 86-10-82287727

Fax: 86-10-62033332

Copyright ©  China National Pharmaceutical Group Co Ltd.
All rights reserved. Presented by China Daily. 京公网安备 11040102700104号